
當(dāng)前位置:首頁 -> 政策法規(guī) -> 投資政策


2006/2/17 10:19:17       

第一條 中華人民共和國為了擴(kuò)大國際經(jīng)濟(jì)合作和技術(shù)交流,允許外國公司、企業(yè)和其它經(jīng)濟(jì)組織或個(gè)人(以下簡稱外國合營者),按照平等互利的原則,經(jīng)中國政府批準(zhǔn),在中華人民共和國境內(nèi),同中國的公司、企業(yè)或其它經(jīng)濟(jì)組織(以下簡稱中國合營者)共同舉辦合營企業(yè)。

第二條 中國政府依法保護(hù)外國合營者按照經(jīng)中國政府批準(zhǔn)的協(xié)議、合同、章程在合營企業(yè)的投資、應(yīng)分得的利潤和其他合法權(quán)益。



第三條 合營各方簽訂的合營協(xié)議、合同、章程,應(yīng)報(bào)國家對(duì)外經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易主管部門(以下稱審查批準(zhǔn)機(jī)關(guān))審查批準(zhǔn)。審查批準(zhǔn)機(jī)關(guān)應(yīng)在三個(gè)月內(nèi)決定批準(zhǔn)或不批準(zhǔn)。合營企業(yè)經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)后,向國家工商行政管理主管部門登記,領(lǐng)取營業(yè)執(zhí)照,開始營業(yè)。

第四條 合營企業(yè)的形式為有限責(zé)任公司。




第五條 合營企業(yè)各方可以現(xiàn)金、實(shí)物、工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)等進(jìn)行投資。




第六條 合營企業(yè)設(shè)董事會(huì),其人數(shù)組成由合營各方協(xié)商,在合同、章程中確定,并由合營各方委派和撤換。董事長和副董事長由合營各方協(xié)商確定或由董事會(huì)選舉產(chǎn)生。中外合營者的一方擔(dān)任董事長的,由他方擔(dān)任副董事長。董事會(huì)根據(jù)平等互利的原則,決定合營企業(yè)的重大問題。




第七條 合營企業(yè)獲得的毛利潤,按中華人民共和國稅法規(guī)定繳納合營企業(yè)所得稅后,扣除合營企業(yè)章程規(guī)定的儲(chǔ)備基金、職工獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)及福利基金、企業(yè)發(fā)展基金,凈利潤根據(jù)合營各方注冊資本的比例進(jìn)行分配。



第八條 合營企業(yè)應(yīng)憑營業(yè)執(zhí)照在國家外匯管理機(jī)關(guān)允許經(jīng)營外匯業(yè)務(wù)的銀行或其他金融機(jī)構(gòu)開立外匯帳戶。




第九條 合營企業(yè)生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營計(jì)劃,應(yīng)報(bào)主管部門備案,并通過經(jīng)濟(jì)合同方式執(zhí)行。




第十條 外國合營者在履行法律和協(xié)議、合同規(guī)定的義務(wù)后分得的凈利潤,在合營企業(yè)期滿或者中止時(shí)所分得的資金以及其它資金,可按合營企業(yè)合同規(guī)定的貨幣,按外匯管理?xiàng)l例匯往國外。


第十一條 合營企業(yè)的外籍職工的工資收入和其它正當(dāng)收入,按中華人民共和國稅法繳納個(gè)人所得稅后,可按外匯管理?xiàng)l例匯往國外。

第十二條 合營企業(yè)的合營期限,按不同行業(yè)、不同情況,作不同的約定。有的行業(yè)的合營企業(yè),應(yīng)當(dāng)約定合營期限;有的行業(yè)的合營企業(yè),可以約定合營期限,也可以不約定合營期限。約定合營期限的合營企業(yè),合營各方同意延長合營期限的,應(yīng)在距合營期滿六個(gè)月前向?qū)彶榕鷾?zhǔn)機(jī)關(guān)提出申請(qǐng)。審查批準(zhǔn)機(jī)關(guān)應(yīng)自接到申請(qǐng)之日起一個(gè)月內(nèi)決定批準(zhǔn)或不批準(zhǔn)。

第十三條 合營企業(yè)如發(fā)生嚴(yán)重虧損、一方不履行合同和章程規(guī)定的義務(wù)、不可抗力等,經(jīng)合營各方協(xié)商同意,報(bào)請(qǐng)審查批準(zhǔn)機(jī)關(guān)批準(zhǔn),并向國家工商行政管理主管部門登記,可終止合同。如果因違反合同而造成損失的,應(yīng)由違反合同的一方承擔(dān)經(jīng)濟(jì)責(zé)任。

第十四條 合營各方發(fā)生糾紛,董事會(huì)不能協(xié)商解決時(shí),由中國仲裁機(jī)構(gòu)進(jìn)行調(diào)解或仲裁,也可由合營各方協(xié)議在其它仲裁機(jī)構(gòu)仲裁。

第十五條 本法自公布之日起生效。本法修改權(quán)屬于全國人民代表大會(huì)。

【章名】 全國人民代表大會(huì)關(guān)于修改《中華人民共和國中外合資經(jīng)營企業(yè)法》的決定 1990年4月4日第七屆全國人民代表大會(huì)第三次會(huì)議通過














【題注】 he Third Session of the Seventh National People's Congress onApril 4, 1990)

【章名】 Important Notice: (注意事項(xiàng))

英文本源自中華人民共和國務(wù)院法制局編譯, 中國法制出版社出版的《中華人民


當(dāng)發(fā)生歧意時(shí), 應(yīng)以法律法規(guī)頒布單位發(fā)布的中文原文為準(zhǔn).

This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE


which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State

Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China

Legal System Publishing House.

In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

【章名】 Whole Document (法規(guī)全文)



(Adopted at the Second Session of the Fifth National People's

Congress on July 1, 1979, and revised in accordance with the Decision of

the National People's Congress Regarding the Revision of the Law of the

People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures

adopted at the Third Session of the Seventh National People's Congress on

April 4, 1990)

Article 1

With a view to expanding international economic cooperation and

technological exchange, the People's Republic of China shall permit

foreign companies, enterprises, other economic organizations or

individuals (hereinafter referred to as "foreign joint venturers") to

establish equity joint ventures together with Chinese companies,

enterprises or other economic organizations (hereinafter referred to as

"Chinese joint venturers") within the territory of the People's Republic

of China, on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, and subject to

approval by the Chinese Government.

Article 2

The Chinese Government shall protect, according to the law, the investment

of foreign joint ventures, the profits due them and their other lawful

rights and interests in an equity joint venture, pursuant to the

agreement, contract and articles of association approved by the Chinese


All activities of an equity joint venture shall comply with the provisions

of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People's Republic of


The state shall not nationalize or requisition any equity joint venture.

Under special circumstances, when public interest requires, equity joint

ventures may be requisitioned by following legal procedures and

appropriate compensation shall be made.

Article 3

The equity joint venture agreement, contract and articles of association

signed by the parties to the venture shall be submitted to the state's

competent department in charge of foreign economic relations and trade

(hereinafter referred to as the examination and approval authorities) for

examination and approval. The examination and approval authorities shall

decide to approve or disapprove the venture within three months. When

approved, the equity joint venture shall register with the state's

competent department in charge of industry and commerce administration,

acquire a business license and start operations.

Article 4

An equity joint venture shall take the form of a limited liability

company. The proportion of the foreign joint venturer's investment in an

equity joint venture shall be, in general, not less than 25 percent of its

registered capital. The parties to the venture shall share the profits,

risks and losses in proportion to their contributions to the registered


If any of the joint venturers wishes to assign its registered capital, it

must obtain the consent of the other parties to the venture.

Article 5

The parties to an equity joint venture may make their investment in cash,

in kind or in industrial property rights, etc.

The technology and equipment contributed by a foreign joint venturer as

its investment must be really advanced technology and equipment that suit

China's needs. In case of losses caused by a foreign joint venturer in its

practising deception through the intentional provision of outdated

technology and equipment, it shall compensate for the losses. A Chinese

joint venturer's investment may include the right to the use of a site

provided for the equity joint venture during the period of its operation.

If the right to the use of the site is not taken as a part of the Chinese

joint venturer's investment, the equity joint venture shall pay the

Chinese Government for its use. The above-mentioned investments shall be

specified in the contract and articles of association of the equity joint

venture, and their value (excluding that of the site) shall be assessed by

all parties to the venture.

Article 6

An equity joint venture shall have a board of directors; the number of the

directors thereof from each party and the composition of the board shall

be stipulated in the contract and articles of association after

consultation among the parties to the venture; such directors shall be

appointed and replaced by the relevant parties. The chairman and the vice-

chairman (vice-chairmen) shall be determined through consultation by the

parties to the venture or elected by the board of directors. If the

Chinese side or the foreign side assumes the office of the chairman, the

other side shall assume the office(s) of the vice-chairman (vice-

chairmen). The board of directors shall decide on important issues

concerning the joint venture on the principle of equality and mutual


The functions and powers of the board of directors are, as stipulated in

the articles of association of the equity joint venture, to discuss and

decide all major issues concerning the venture, namely, the venture's

development plans, proposals for production and business operations, the

budget for revenues and expenditures, the distribution of profits, the

plans concerning manpower and wages, the termination of business, and the

appointment or employment of the general manager, the vice-general

manager(s), the chief engineer, the treasurer and the auditors, as well as

the determination of their functions, powers and terms of employment, etc.

The offices of general manager and vice-general manager(s) (or factory

manager and deputy manager(s) shall be assumed by the respective parties

to the venture. The employment and discharge of the workers and staff

members of an equity joint venture shall be stipulated in accordance with

the law in the agreement and contract concluded by the parties to the


Article 7

The new profit of an equity joint venture shall be distributed among the

parties to the venture in proportion to their respective contributions to

the registered capital, after payment out of its gross profit of the

equity joint venture income tax, pursuant to the provisions of the tax

laws of the People's Republic of China, and after deduction from the gross

profit of a reserve fund, a bonus and welfare fund for workers and staff

members and a venture expansion fund, as stipulated in the venture's

articles of association. An equity joint venture may, in accordance with

provisions of the relevant laws and administrative rules and regulations

of the state on taxation, enjoy preferential treatment for reduction of or

exemption from taxes.

A foreign joint venturer that reinvests its share of the net profit within

the territory of China may apply for partial refund of the income tax

already paid.

Article 8

An equity joint venture shall, on the strength of its business license,

open a foreign exchange account with a bank or any other financial

institution which is permitted by the state agency for foreign exchange

control to handle foreign exchange transactions. An equity joint ventures

shall handle its foreign exchange transactions in accordance with the

regulations on foreign exchange control of the People's Republic of China.

An equity joint venture may, in its business operations, directly raise

funds from foreign banks.

The various kinds of insurance coverage of an equity joint venture shall

be furnished by Chinese insurance companies.

Article 9

The production and business operating plans of an equity joint venture

shall be submitted to the competent authorities for record and shall be

implemented through economic contracts.

In its purchase of required raw and semi-processed materials, fuels,

auxiliary equipment, etc., an equity joint venture should give first

priority to purchases in China. It may also make such purchases directly

on the world market with foreign exchange raised by itself.

An equity joint venture shall be encouraged to market its products outside

China. It may sell its export products on foreign markets directly or

through associated agencies or China's foreign trade agencies. Its

products may also be sold on the Chinese market. When necessary, an

equity joint venture may set up branches and subbranches outside China.

Article 10

The net profit which a foreign joint venturer receives as its share after

performing its obligations under the laws, and the agreements or the

contract, the funds it receives upon the expiration of the venture's term

of operation or its early termination, and its other funds may be remitted

abroad in accordance with foreign exchange control regulations and in the

currency or currencies specified in the contract concerning the equity

joint venture.

A foreign joint venturer shall be encouraged to deposit in the Bank of

China the foreign exchange which it is entitled to remit abroad.

Article 11

The wages, salaries or other legitimate income earned by a foreign worker

or staff member of an equity joint venture, after payment of the

individual income tax under the tax laws of the People's Republic of

China, may be remitted abroad in accordance with foreign exchange control


Article 12

Based on different lines of trade and different circumstances,

arrangements for the duration of equity joint ventures may be made

differently through agreement by the parties to the venture. Equity joint

ventures engaged in certain lines of trade shall specify their duration in

the contracts, while equity joint ventures engaged in certain other lines

of trade may choose to or not to specify their duration in the contracts.

Where an equity joint venture has had its duration specified and the

parties to the venture agree to extend the duration, the venture shall

file an application for the purpose with the examination and approval

authorities six months before its expiration. The examination and

approval authorities shall, within one month after receipt of the

application, decide on its approval or disapproval.

Article 13

In case of heavy losses, failure of a party to perform its obligations

under the contract and the articles of association, or force majeure etc.,

the parties to the joint venture may terminate the contract through their

consultation and agreement, subject to approval by the examination and

approval authorities and to registration with the state's competent

department in charge of industry and commerce administration. In cases of

losses caused by a breach of contract, the financial responsibility shall

be borne by the party that has breached the contract.

Article 14

Disputes arising between the parties to an equity joint venture which the

board of directors has failed to settle through consultation may be

settled through mediation or arbitration by an arbitration agency of China

or through arbitration by another arbitration agency agreed upon by the


Article 15

This Law shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation. The power

to amend this Law is vested in the National People's Congress.


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